There are 8Ps in Marketing Mix for Social Marketing. It considers Publics, Partnership, Policy and Purse Strings to create the 8Ps of Social Marketing Mix.
Posts tagged as “Social Marketing”
Introduction to Social Marketing
June 27, 2022 |
Social Marketing was born as a discipline in late 19th century. Professor Philip Kotler is credited as the founder of Social Marketing.
Differences Between Commercial Marketing and Social Marketing
June 22, 2022 |
Commercial Marketing aims to meet the needs and wants of customers. Social Marketing aims to promote activities that seek to influence social behavior.
Approaches to Marketing: Market Orientation
June 20, 2022 |
Companies using Market Orientation intend to make products that the customers want to buy rather than just making and selling products that the company produces.
Approaches to Marketing: Product Orientation
June 17, 2022 |
Companies using Product Orientation intend to make products that can be made and then try to tempt the customers who will purchase those products.