Two main types of promotion are classified as Above the Line Promotion (ATL) and Below the Line Promotion (BTL). Check when used, benefits, drawbacks.
Posts tagged as “Marketing Manager”
This article talks describes in details reasons for market research. There are numerous reasons why marketers seek to conduct market research.
Special characteristics of the market include geographic characteristics, demographic characteristics and psychographic characteristics.
Marketing Department never operates in isolation from other departments in a business. All departments in a firm collaborate very closely.
What do we really know as business managers about major differences between the marketing of goods and the marketing of services?
Marketing finds out what customers need and want through Market Research and gets people to buy the products using the Marketing Mix.
The question is whether the business should stop making a product when it is unprofitable, or continue making the unprofitable product?
A business can use costs data for making a variety of different business decisions. Here is the list of major uses of costs data.