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5 Quick Ways to Save Space


If you would like to have more space in your house or apartment, here is what you should do. Here are five simple tricks to save space.

1. Get rid of all the things you do not use. Walk around your apartment several times and check carefully which things you have not used in the last 12 months. There will be a lot of them! Throw them all away. Declutter heavily, and do not allow yourself to get caught thinking that you may still use something in the next year. Most likely you will not!

2. Sell out. You can sell online the stuff you do not use to make some money on the side, or you can organize a garage sale. If you have gotten rid of all the stuff in your life that you do not need, you are saving money on moving and storage costs anytime you decide to change your apartment in the future.

3. Make order and keep order. Go through wardrobes, cabinets and drawers putting things in order and tossing junk. Keep only what is needed. Organize everything what is left. Make sure that there is a place for everything. And do not forget to always put things back in their place.

4. Clean your walls. Remove stuff from the walls around you to make your apartment look more spacious than it really is. Take down old photographs and expired calendars. Leave only a few nice paintings.

5. Refrain from buying new things. Once you remove from your house everything that you do not need, try not to make this same mistake which you did long time ago – do not buy anything that is unnecessary.